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When our first game of the season (in a sweltering gym versus Sterling, Colorado) went a thrilling five set battle (that ended up 21-23), that should have been an indication that this was going to be a growth-filled season.  The youth of this team showed potential and the 2023 Raider Volleyball team faced many challenges that provided opportunities for growth.  This was evident as many of our underclassmen

continued to improve in a variety of ways throughout the season.  As with any young team, there were going to be obstacles and challenges to overcome.  The team faced many matches that went a full three, four, or five sets; they battled, holding their own, showing flashes of brilliance on the court.  


We ask our girls to "trust the process" and to control what they can control, as the success of a season is not always evident in the win-loss record.    Although the season was filled with challenges, it also provided valuable life lessons in trust, teamwork, communication, and perseverance.  The

lessons learned throughout this season will be an advantage for seasons to come and the potential for great things is there.


2023 Season Stats (Team)
Kills  1134  

Blocks  151
Aces  192
Assists  1048
Digs  1642

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